New Orleans (LA)
(634) First Class Internal Combustion Engines
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1300 Perdido St
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 658-7100
Exam Administrator
International Code Council (ICC)
900 Montclair Rd.
Birmingham, AL 35213
(888) 422-7233
(Testing facilities & scheduling provided by Pearson VUE)
Exam Type
Exam Content
Content Outline | % of Questions |
Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engine | 5 |
Combustion and Fuel | 17 |
Spark Ignition | 17 |
Compression Ignition | 17 |
Induction and Exhaust | 17 |
Turbo Charging | 17 |
Heat Transfer | 10 |
Total number of test questions:
Time allowed (hours):
Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines, 3rd Edition, 1999, R.Stone
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